Antonio Brendolan was born in 1833 in Gambellara, Vicenza, Vêneto, Itália. Antonio married Giacoma Tonello.
Giacoma Tonello was born in 1839 in Gambellara, Vicenza, Vêneto, Itália. Giacoma married Antonio Brendolan.
They had the following children.
Giuseppe Brenna was born in 1842 in Bosisio Parini, Lecco, Lombardia, Itália. Giuseppe married Assunta Zoia.
Assunta Zoia was born in 1861 in Bosisio Parini, Lecco, Lombardia, Itália. Assunta married Giuseppe Brenna.
They had the following children.
Caetano Bresciani was born in 1844 in Lombardia, Italia. Caetano married Antenesca Bresciani.
Antenesca Bresciani was born in 1846 in Lombardia, Italia. Antenesca married Caetano Bresciani.
They had the following children.
M i Ferdinando Bresciani was born in 1874 in Lombardia, Italia.
Agostino Bresciani was born in 1848 in Lombardia, Italia. Agostino married Maria Falchi.
Maria Falchi was born in 1850 in Italia. Maria married Agostino Bresciani.
They had the following children.
F i Antonia Bresciani was born in 1875 in Lombardia, Italia.
Antonio Bresciani was born in 1829 in Rivarolo, Montovano, Montova, Italia. Antonio married Maria Regina Vighin.
Maria Regina Vighin was born in 1829 in Rivarolo, Montovano, Montova, Italia. Maria married Antonio Bresciani.
They had the following children.
Giuseppe Bresciani was born in 1858 in Castel Mella, Bréscia, Lombardia, Itália. Giuseppe married Rosa Camparini.
Rosa Camparini was born in 1860 in Castel Mella, Bréscia, Lombardia, Itália. Rosa married Giuseppe Bresciani.
They had the following children.
Giovanni Bresciani was born in 1841 in Gavardo, Bréscia, Lombardia, Itália. Giovanni married Maria Signori.
Maria Signori was born in 1853 in Gavardo, Bréscia, Lombardia, Itália. Maria married Giovanni Bresciani.
They had the following children.
Luigi Bressan was born in 1829 in Zevio, Verona, Vêneto, Itália. He died in Alfredo Chaves, Espirito Santo, Brasil. Luigi married Filomena Resi.
Filomena Resi was born in 1841 in Zevio, Verona, Vêneto, Itália. Filomena married Luigi Bressan.
They had the following children.
M i Giuseppe Bressan was born in 1864. He died in Nov 1916. M ii Natale Bressan was born in 1870 in Zevio, Verona, Veneto, Itália. F iii Catterina Bressan was born in 1873. She died in From 1944 to. F iv Augusta Bressan was born in 1875 in Zevio, Verona, Veneto, Itália. She died in 1878 in Anchieta, Espírito Santo, Brasil. M v Giovanni Bressan was born in 1877 in Zevio, Verona, Veneto, Itália. He died in Espirito Santo, Brasil.
Agostino Ambrosini was born in 1836 in Fara Olivana Con Sola, Bérgamo, Lombardia, Itália. Agostino married Maria Nespoli.
Maria Nespoli was born in 1841 in Fara Olivana Con Sola, Bérgamo, Lombardia, Itália. Maria married Agostino Ambrosini.
They had the following children.
Giuseppe Bressan was born in 1850 in Camponogara, Veneza, Vêneto, Itália. Giuseppe married Pasqua Boscaro.
Pasqua Boscaro was born in 1843 in Camponogara, Veneza, Vêneto, Itália. Pasqua married Giuseppe Bressan.
They had the following children.
F i Angela Gaetana Bressan was born in 1881 in Camponogara, Veneza, Vêneto, Itália. F ii Augusta Maria Bressan was born in 1884 in Camponogara, Veneza, Vêneto, Itália.