Faustino Gerosi was born in 1826 in Sustinente, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália. Faustino married Generosa Ferraresi.
Generosa Ferraresi was born in 1822 in Sustinente, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália. Generosa married Faustino Gerosi.
They had the following children.
M i Telesforo Gerosi was born on 3 May 1861. F ii Maria Garosi was born in 1858. She died on 22 Nov 1876.
Telesforo Gerosi [Parents] was born on 3 May 1861 in Sustinente, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália. Telesforo married Angela Maria Galeti.
Angela Maria Galeti [Parents] was born in 1863 in Mortara, Pavia, Lombardia, Itália. Angela married Telesforo Gerosi.
They had the following children.
Giuseppe Gerra was born in 1861 in Cortenuova, Bérgamo, Lombardia, Itália. Giuseppe married Giulia Lencardi.
Giulia Lencardi was born in 1871 in Cortenuova, Bérgamo, Lombardia, Itália. Giulia married Giuseppe Gerra.
They had the following children.
M i Giacomo Gerra was born in 1891 in Cortenuova, Bérgamo, Lombardia, Itália.
Stefano Gervasi was born in 1844 in Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. Stefano married Rosa Gervasi.
Rosa Gervasi was born in 1852 in Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. Rosa married Stefano Gervasi.
They had the following children.
M i Giacomo Gervasi was born in 1869 in Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. M ii Vittore Giovanni Gervasi was born in 1875 in Belluno, Vêneto, Itália.
Giacomo Gervasio was born in 1843 in Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Itália. Giacomo married Angela Gervasio.
Angela Gervasio was born in 1845 in Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Itália. Angela married Giacomo Gervasio.
They had the following children.
F i Sabina Gervasio was born in 1886 in Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Itália.
Giovanni Maria Gesiotto was born in 1846 in Seren del Grappa, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. He died in ES, Brasil. Giovanni married Lucia Corso in 1878 in Italia.
Lucia Corso was born in 1853 in Seren del Grappa, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. She died in ES, Brasil. Lucia married Giovanni Maria Gesiotto in 1878 in Italia.
They had the following children.
M i Rocco Gesiotto was born in 1876 in Seren del Grappa, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. F ii Catterina Gesiot was born in 1879 in Lential, Beluno, Italia. She died in ES, Brasil. F iii Maria Gesiot was born in 1881 in Lential, Beluno, Italia. She died in ES, Brasil. F iv Vittoria Gesiot was born in 1883 in Feltre, Beluno, Italia. She died in ES, Brasil. F v Margherita Gesiotto was born in 1887. F vi Pierina Gesiot was born in 1889 in Lential, Beluno, Italia. She died in ES, Brasil. M vii Domenico Gesiotto was born in 1891 in Seren del Grappa, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália.
Domenico Scopel was born in 1885 in Pendanga, ES, Brasil. He died in ES, Brasil. Domenico married Margherita Gesiotto.
Margherita Gesiotto [Parents] was born in 1887 in Feltre, Beluno, Italia. She died in ES, Brasil. Margherita married Domenico Scopel.
Giovanni Battista Ghedin was born in 1836 in Italia. Giovanni married Maria Ghedin.
Maria Ghedin was born in 1844 in Italia. Maria married Giovanni Battista Ghedin.
They had the following children.
Lodovico Barbetta was born in 1860 in Italia. Lodovico married Annunciata Barbetta.
Annunciata Barbetta was born in 1859 in Italia. Annunciata married Lodovico Barbetta.
They had the following children.
F i Maria Barbetta was born in 1879 in Italia. F ii Elisa Barbetta was born in 1885 in Italia. M iii Paolo Barbetta was born in 1887 in Italia.
Davide Ghegin was born in 1849 in Resana, Treviso, Vêneto, Itália. Davide married Clotilde Gazziro.
Clotilde Gazziro was born in 1860 in Resana, Treviso, Vêneto, Itália. Clotilde married Davide Ghegin.
They had the following children.