Giovanni Battista Torrezzani was born in 1849 in Cappella Cantone, Cremona, Lombardia, Itália. Giovanni married Agostina Cabrini Torrezzani.
Agostina Cabrini Torrezzani was born in 1851 in Cappella Cantone, Cremona, Lombardia, Itália. Agostina married Giovanni Battista Torrezzani.
They had the following children.
F i Annunciata Torrezzani was born in 1875.
Alessandro Torri was born on 16 May 1848 in Pontida, Bergamo, Regno Lombardo-Veneto, Austria. Alessandro married Luigia Rocchi on 18 Feb 1872 in Pontida, Bergamo, Lombardia, Italia.
Luigia Rocchi [Parents] was born on 12 Oct 1852 in Cisano Bergamasco, Bergamo, Regno Lombardo-Veneto, Austria. Luigia married Alessandro Torri on 18 Feb 1872 in Pontida, Bergamo, Lombardia, Italia.
They had the following children.
Giuseppe Rocchi was born in 1817 in Cisano Bergamasco, Bergamo, Regno Lombardo-Veneto, Austria. He died on 5 Jan 1877 in Pontida, Bergamo, Lombardia, Italia.
He had the following children.
F i Luigia Rocchi was born on 12 Oct 1852. M ii Francesco Rocchi was born on 18 Aug 1856 in Pontida, Bergamo, Lombardia, Italia.
Giuseppe Torrini was born in 1845 in Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália. Giuseppe married Teresa Ballista.
Teresa Ballista was born in 1846 in Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália. Teresa married Giuseppe Torrini.
They had the following children.
M i Giovanni Torrini was born in 1873 in Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália. M ii Amadeo Torrini was born in 1875 in Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mantova, Lombardia, Itália.
Carlo Giuseppe Torti was born in 1862 in Quargnento, Alexandria, Piemonte, Itália. Carlo married Teresa Anselmi.
Teresa Anselmi was born in 1867 in Quargnento, Alexandria, Piemonte, Itália. Teresa married Carlo Giuseppe Torti.
They had the following children.
Pietro Torti was born in 1869 in Isola Sant'Antonio, Alexandria, Piemonte, Itália. Pietro married Giuseppina Dallera.
Giuseppina Dallera was born in 1869 in Isola Sant'Antonio, Alexandria, Piemonte, Itália. Giuseppina married Pietro Torti.
They had the following children.
Pietro Tortolone was born in 1858 in Asigliano Vercellese, Vercelli, Piemonte, Itália. Pietro married Catterina Dellarole.
Catterina Dellarole was born in 1859 in Asigliano Vercellese, Vercelli, Piemonte, Itália. Catterina married Pietro Tortolone.
They had the following children.
F i Giovanna Tortolone was born in 1884 in Asigliano Vercellese, Vercelli, Piemonte, Itália. F ii Dorotea Tortolone was born in 1890 in Asigliano Vercellese, Vercelli, Piemonte, Itália.
Felice Tortone [Parents] was born on 14 Jun 1862 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia. Felice married Giuseppina Angela Tortone on 3 Jul 1887 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia.
Giuseppina Angela Tortone was born on 26 Sep 1863 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia. Giuseppina married Felice Tortone on 3 Jul 1887 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia.
They had the following children.
Luigi Tortone was born in 1830 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia. Luigi married Maddalena Falco.
Maddalena Falco was born about 1835. Maddalena married Luigi Tortone.
They had the following children.
M i Giovanni Battista Giuseppe Tortone was born in 1859 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia. M ii Felice Tortone was born on 14 Jun 1862. F iii Gioanna Maria Maddalena Tortone was born on 6 Oct 1864 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia. F iv Francesca Tortone was born on 18 May 1869 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia. M v Bartolomeo Tortone was born on 20 Feb 1878 in Costigliole Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italia.
Ettore Tosarello was born in 1859 in Alba, Cuneo, Piemonte, Itália. Ettore married Maria Gonella.
Maria Gonella was born in 1863 in Alba, Cuneo, Piemonte, Itália. Maria married Ettore Tosarello.
They had the following children.
M i Giuseppe Tosarello was born in 1889 in Alba, Cuneo, Piemonte, Itália. F ii Agnese Tosarello was born in 1892 in Alba, Cuneo, Piemonte, Itália.